Unfortunately, errors often spoil the essays and cause unsatisfactory grades. We will talk in this article about very common mistakes as well as how to eliminate them.
Briefly about typical mistakes
It is not enough to know the rules by heart in order to get an “excellent” mark in the essay – you should work on the correct speech, like on handwriting, and constantly improve it. When a person reads little and does not think about what they say and write, then speech becomes inexpressive or pretentious. Sometimes even the meaning of the phrase is lost.
Tautologies, distorted phraseological units, inappropriate colloquial vocabulary, the substitution of concepts, archaisms – this is an incomplete list of common speech errors. If you want to avoid them in your writing, order an essay from a trusted essay writing service like EssayShark. A professional writer will write you a paper without a simple mistake.
1. Speech errors
Speech (stylistic) errors are a violation of the laws of the use of lexical units and the incorrect formation of syntactic constructions.
Incorrect use of words, phraseological units
Phraseological units are characterized by the constancy of the composition. It is unacceptable to replace individual words or the form of words in them, to change words in places. You can’t say, “cut your tooth” or “weep alligator tears.” Very often, students simply do not think about what they write, as if English is a foreign language for them. It turns out funny, but not for those who expected to get a higher score.
An error is also considered the incorrect use of individual words. Do not use archaisms if you are not quoting some historical character. An incorrect or outdated form of a word makes speech too expressive and colloquial.
There is no need to use colloquial or dialect vocabulary. Separately, let us recall ethical errors – you can’t call the writer familiarly. It is unacceptable to evaluate a book or characters, even negative ones, in offensive, harsh terms. For example, “Everything the author writes is nonsense.”
If you want your essays to be written with the usage of only correct words, you should get help. You can pay for papers to end up with essays correctly written. Professional writers know what words to use in writing.
Violation of the compatibility of words
This is a pretty common mistake.
- The level of service in the cafe has improved significantly. (The level may rise or fall but not improve).
- John raised a toast to the hero of the day. (They raise their glasses and make a toast.)
In order to avoid such mistakes, you need to have a good idea of what you are talking about.
Mixing paronyms
Paronyms are words that sound similar but have different meanings. If a student does not have a very rich vocabulary, then they will easily confuse paronyms because there are a lot of them in our language. To avoid mistakes, it is better to memorize the meanings of some paronyms.
- aventurine (stone) – adventurer (person);
- affect – effect
- eclipse – ellipse, etc.
If you don’t know the meaning of the word or know only approximately, then don’t write it.
2. Logic errors
It is important not to lose the thread of your narrative, be sure that one does not contradict the other. To preserve logic, you must follow a number of simple rules.
Irregular pronouns
Pay special attention to the pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they” and what they refer to. Do not start a sentence with a pronoun.
Incorrect paragraph separation
You can even forget the topic of the essay if it looks like a continuous sheet of text. Have pity on those who have to read your work. Break the content into paragraphs; five to eight are enough on average. One sentence in a paragraph is considered an error.
Semantic contradictions
Here you will be saved only by attentiveness and re-reading of what is written, as well as a thoughtful approach. Be mindful of what you want to say and how you will prove your point. Do not let the essay “go away;” do not lose the connection between cause and effect.
3. Grammatical errors
They are most often associated with the use of verbs and verb forms, particles, gerunds, and adverbs.
All errors are associated with the incorrect structure of phrases and violation of the structure of sentences. For example, “Lust for glory.”
You need to make sure that every word is written correctly.
4. Morphological errors
“More lighter.” “We started dressing more better.” It’s sad, but this happens also.
5. Frequent mistakes
In addition to the above, unfortunately, there are other errors that students make very often. Clichés spoil the impression. A favorite by many phrase: “the problem that the author raises in work” should be avoided. The tautology, unnecessary repetitions, or extra words worsen the perception, “In his text, the author recalls an incident that happened to him once.” It is bad when there is no certainty. Students use “this” and “there” instead of determining the time and place of the event.