Tuesday, October 22

How To Grow Your Plant Spices

Small pot-grown herbs and lettuce in a pot are something we often buy in the grocery store, but wouldn’t it be nice to continue growing them for a while? With just a little extra care they can live on and give new harvests for several weeks and maybe even months. Growing herbs for the sake of the scents is one reason, growing them for the taste of another.

A spice land can look many ways. If you do not have the opportunity to grow outdoors, it is equally good to grow in a pot. The advantage of growing the spices in a pot is that you can place it near the kitchen or grill so that you can quickly access your spice storage. Also, that you can feel the scents as you pass by, simply by brushing them with your hand is just a bonus
Some spices are annuals and can be sown directly on the plant site, or purchased pre-planted and growing. You plant the perennials as ready-made seedlings from a pot.

The most important thing when you grow herbs whether you choose to plant a herb with straight squares, grow the spices in the flowerbed, among the vegetables, in the pallet collar or grow in pots is to choose a sunny spot. Plant out the spices in May-June, when the risk of frost is over. The perennial spices are cut down in the spring.

There is a rich variety of herbs available in the trade now and they are relatively inexpensive to buy. Grow your own instead of buying the tastier varieties from the grocery store. Only a small area is needed to accommodate a wealth of scents and flavors. A balcony box, a large pot or a pallet collar works great for those who are in need of space. Some prefer to plant a herb garden or herb garden. But it is equally possible to mix the spice plants with the vegetables in the country or the flowers in the fin discount. Spices also work great indoors, like potted plants in the window or edible decoration on the kitchen table.

Naturally, most of our herbs originate from the Mediterranean and are therefore most comfortable if they are in a warm and sunny position. They have no high requirements for nutritious soil, but it must be well-drained. Feel free to plant a spice discount where you are close to harvesting them, at the grill and patio or in a pot near the kitchen entrance. Spices only get better from being used!

Here are the tips on how to quickly and easily create a good cultivation environment for your spices.
With just a little extra care they can live on and give new harvests for several weeks and maybe even months. If done correctly, maybe even years.

Growing Herbs indoors

The best results are obtained if they are transplanted into a larger pot with soil or if they are cultivated further in hydroponics for home use, but there is a middle way that allows you to manage it for a quite long time.

Since spice plants thrive best in sunny locations, a shattering window is optimal, but you can also illuminate them with a lamp.

Put spice soil in the bottom of the pot and seed-soil in the upper half and keep it moist all the time, but not wet. When the plants start to look tired, it is time to transplant.

Follow the tips below so you can continue growing your spices for new harvests for many weeks to come.

Potted cultivated thyme bought in the supermarket can be grown further in simple hydroculture in a canning jar

Small canning jars or other vessels of similar size are absolutely perfect to use for growing pot-grown spices and herbs we buy in the grocery store.

Measure how deep the pot reaches from the top of the can. Fill the can with canisters, perlite or gravel all the way up to the level where the pot bottom reaches from the edge.

Place in the pot, which then rests on the gravel bed.

Pour lukewarm water up to the bottom of the pot. Then the spice plant itself can consume as much water as it needs. Continue replenishing with water so that the plant can drink as needed at all times

Each or every two weeks you pick up the pot and flush through the gravel bed to keep it fresh.

You get extra good results by mixing nutrients in the water. Use a nutrient that mixes completely in water (some nutrients fall to the bottom after a while if not stirred) Place as light as possible.

Kratom is also possible to grow, and you can Read more about it here.


Before planting your spices, you must first get used to them. Therefore, start by putting out the pots during the hottest hours of the day, when there is then no risk of frost, they can stand outside around the clock.

Spice plants thrive best in a warm, sunny and wind-protected place in muddy, well-drained and porous soil. Initially, some water may be required, but once the roots have established themselves, only watering is needed for longer periods of drought.

Growing spices in hydroculture systems

Almost all spices that you buy in a pot in the grocery store have been grown in the so-called hydroculture, i.e. they have been grown in water.

Therefore, the absolute best way to cultivate them is in a cultivation station specially developed for aquaculture. There are several models, sizes, and colors to suit different needs. Some have special cultivation cubes that are sown in, they do not fit very well for this purpose, but all other models are perfect for growing your spices.

If you choose to grow them in such a breeding station that always has built-in lighting, your spices are guaranteed to thrive and yield for a long time to come.

The only thing you need to do to grow your pot-grown spices and even lettuce in such a cultivation station is to put the pot in it – it can’t be easier.

Care of spices and herbs

Growing herbs is easy! Some are more easily cultivated than others, such as mint, thyme, royal mint, sage. They have no great requirements on the soil, so you can use regular planting soil in a pot. The best aroma gets the spice plants in closed sandy soil and in a warm and sunny location. Spice plants are most easily purchased as ready-made plants, but you can also grow most from shoots if you want quantities. Plant out as soon as the risk of frost is over.

Spice plants are watered sparingly. The main risk for wintering plants is that they rot because they are left in cold moist soil during the winter season. In the spring, you can cut down spices that look risky. Soon there will be new healthy shots. Where spices are not hardy, take the pot before winter and store them as other Mediterranean plants – light and frost-free.

Harvest, dry and store herbs

Many herbs are best made fresh in cooking, but they can also be harvested to dry or freeze. Herbs can be harvested throughout the growing season, but the plants are most aromatic just before flowering and mainly in the morning between dew and sun. To dry herbs, small bouquets are made that are dried in a warm, airy, and preferably shady place.

After about two weeks, it is OK to scratch the dry leaves from the stalks. Do a test by seeing if it is possible to crumble a leaf between your fingers – then it is dry enough. Dried herbs are kept dry, cool, and dark.

Use the right soil

There is a difference between soil and soil and in order for your seeds to get the best conditions, you should choose a weakly fertilized seed-soil or other weakly fertilized soil of fine quality. Also, remember not to push the seeds too deep, but not too shallow. Exact drilling depths are on the back of the packaging and can differ between different brands.


If you sow several different spice plants, it is important to select which variety stands and in which pots. When the herbs come up they are quite similar in appearance and it is very difficult to see the difference.

Moisture evenly

For your seeds to grow the best they need moisture, heat, and darkness. Therefore, cover your seedbox or pot with transparent plastic with small air holes in and a newspaper over. This is to preserve moisture and keep it dark. Place the box lightly, but not in direct sunlight and water with room-warm water. The soil should be moist, but not wet.

If you find that your plants have become long and erratic when they have emerged from the soil, you can transplant them, then put them a little deeper into the soil.

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