Tuesday, October 22

Cooking tips

A Guide to Food Trotters (Pig trotters)

A Guide to Food Trotters (Pig trotters)

Cooking tips, Recipes
Pig feet are the pig's forearm and lower leg with hooves instead of feet. The foot is fat and very brittle, the meat content is low. Few people have tried to eat pork feet, while others find the dish as very good, either cooked served cold in their shovel that solidifies into jelly, or breaded and fried. All pork in the store is generally poor because it comes from young animals. Pig trotters: Relative fat meat: Medium, 12-13%, of which saturated fat ~ 5%. Taste: Mild, musty. Medium marbling Sales: Occurs fresh or salted to and from the store, most frozen. Rare in the summer mostly for Christmas, when they can also be bought pre-cooked wrapped in jelly. Storage: Raw, salted or cooked goods have a good shelf life, a week or so stored in a refrigerator. Gelatin ric...
Boiled Pig Trotters Recipe (And Complete Guide)

Boiled Pig Trotters Recipe (And Complete Guide)

Cooking tips, Recipes
Pig Feet is an old classic dish. Often referred to as pig's trotters (trotters as in feet). It is also known as a pettitoe. Pig trotters are an interesting delicacy, to say the least. And as is often the case with delicacies, either you like it or either you hate it. Pig's feet are quite a special and unique delicacy due to the fact that many people would not even consider eating the feet of a pig. To many, it sounds rather disgusting. But pig's feet are a delicacy and can actually be really delicious if prepared properly. Don't let the idea of eating feet intimidate you. Usually, pig's feet are served cold with their solidified jelly, but like with most dishes, there are many variants and methods to cooking this delicacy. They are actually very delicious to eat warm, right...
How to Cook Food Trotters

How to Cook Food Trotters

Cooking tips, Recipes
How do you cook Pork feet? Food trotters, pork trotters, pig's feet, etc. This delicacy has many names. How to cook pork feet Pig feet are usually cooked, after which they are allowed to cool in their own gravy which solidifies by itself. Pig feet contain a lot of connective tissue and cartilage that melts into gelatin. Classic accessories are pickled beets and vinegar that are dropped on the feet. The cooked, cold pork feet can advantageously double-bake and fry in plenty of butter. Good leftover food. Consider: The feet should be halved lengthwise. They should be scraped and cleaned (usually ready for purchase). If you have to scrape them yourself, they are stubborn and then scratched with a sharp knife. Rinse: Feet are put in cold water for several hours, preferably overni...
How to Preserve Spices Guide

How to Preserve Spices Guide

Cooking tips
If you have fresh Spices but they are starting to go bad, or if you want to make your own spices, you've come to the right place. In this post, we share our best "DIY" spice tips for preserving your spices. 1. Dry spices in spice bouquets You can easily create spice bouquets by cutting off the entire twigs with the leaves remaining (so do not loosen the leaves). Then tie the twigs tightly into a slightly loose and airy bouquet. If the knot is not hard enough, the twigs can loosen once they have started to dry and the pulp decreases, and if they are too tightly bound there is a risk that the spices will mold instead of drying. Hang the bouquets somewhere cool and dry. After about two weeks, after making sure that they are properly dry, loosen the leaves. 2. Dry spices in the micro...
How to use Spices In Cooking for Maximum Taste

How to use Spices In Cooking for Maximum Taste

Cooking tips
Spices are the carrier of the dish, you can master them it will be more fun to both cook and eat. Without spices, your food will not be lifted to great heights, and risk being flat and boring. In this post, we will help you reach success in the kitchen with the help of spices - and how you should use them. What spices do you need? It depends on how experienced and used you are with spices, and what you like to cook. Salt, black pepper, white pepper, chili, and some herbs are a good base in the spice shelf. Then you can fill with exciting flavors depending on what you like or are curious about. Curry, onion, and turmeric are flavorful spices that can also be great to use for many dishes. Different types of pepper - what is the difference? Pepper is a basic spice that should be ...
Top Tips To Improve Your Cooking Skills in the Kitchen

Top Tips To Improve Your Cooking Skills in the Kitchen

Cooking tips, Foods
Are you an amateur chef who wants to become more skilled in the kitchen? Here we present some tips on how you can develop as a chef and improve your cooking. 1. Learn some dishes properly Beginners are constantly looking for new things - rather than learning a few dishes and techniques thoroughly. Work out some parade dishes until you know them by heart and can make them perfectly every time. Then you can put them together at any time for an excellent, composite dinner. When the dishes are really good and you know how the various ingredients behave, have cooking times in mind, and can do most things almost automatically - then you are ready to make your own changes and variations in the recipe. This way you increase your skills. 2. Salt and spice! A chef must be able to balance ...
Top Tips For Saving Money on Food

Top Tips For Saving Money on Food

Cooking tips, Foods
Food purchases eat up a large part of the monthly budget. Here are 8 tricks to keep in mind when shopping and cooking that can help you save money on groceries, whilst also not compromising on quality. How to save money on food 1. Plan your purchases Plan a weekly menu and make a shopping list. Store everything once a week and avoid expensive small items and impulse purchases. Also, keep track of any discounted rates and plan your weekly menu based on them. 2. Cut the food yourself Raw materials sold cut, torn, or milled finished tend to cost slightly more due to the fact that they have been processed and worked with. Instead, buy fresh products and do the job yourself, you save money and get freshly cut foods. 3. Use the freezer With freezing food boxes and foods, you ext...
10 Tips to Become a Better Cook

10 Tips to Become a Better Cook

Cooking tips
The most common mistakes people make when cooking are quite simple. If you want to become a better cook, there are a number of common mistakes you want to keep in mind to become a better cook that makes most Here are ten tips to help you succeed in the kitchen. 1. Don't use the microwave A microwave can be good for thawing or heating food in, but for cooking it is generally a disaster. The food becomes tasteless and gets no nice roasting. Meat is not caramelized in the same way as when frying and as a result, many of the aromas released during frying do not appear. The advantage of a micro may be that it goes fast, but with a little practice and planning you can cook a really good dinner in less than 40 minutes. And do you know that you can easily thaw food in the fridge overnight...
10 Tips to Make Cooking Easier

10 Tips to Make Cooking Easier

Cooking tips
Are you one of everyone who has a busy schedule? Works full time, has children who are going to be picked up, or just generally experiences everyday cooking as quite stressful? Then you should get here some simple methods that can make it a little smoother for you. In this post, we share 10 tips to make cooking easier for you - both to save time, and to streamline the process. 10 tips to simplify cooking and save you time, money, and energy. 1. Make a weekly menu With a weekly menu, you don't have to think about what dinner it will be every day. It reduces stress and facilitates both cooking and food purchases. 2. Write a shopping list A shopping list reduces the risk of forgetting something or shopping for “wrong” food that may not be eaten. Start from your weekly menu, and ...
Interesting Facts about Herbs and Spices

Interesting Facts about Herbs and Spices

Cooking tips, Foods
Humans have been using spices and herbs since ancient times. We have used them partly to spice up the food, and also because the spices had a healing ability. It also happened that in the past, food, and beverages that became too old were seasoned, they simply wanted to hide the unpleasant taste with different spices. Now we know for sure that spices and herbs are extremely useful and healthy for us. Most spices are rich in antioxidants. They also contain important minerals, including magnesium, and it is said that the stronger a spice, the more magnesium is in it. Magnesium is good for our muscles and for our nervous system. Useful super spices do good for the body and the mind. You may not think that the spices are of any use when using so small quantities in cooking. But if...