Tuesday, February 18

Healthy Food

Orzo Salad: 7 Surprising Health Benefits

Orzo Salad: 7 Surprising Health Benefits

Healthy Food
Orzo is a rice-like, short-cut pasta that is popular in Mediterranean cuisine. It is a form of pasta made from durum wheat semolina flour classed as a "pastina"—a little type of pasta typically found in soups and other recipes where the pasta serves as a filler rather than the main component of the dish. Orzo is also used as a side dish, like rice, or in a pasta salad. Typically made with refined grains, a few whole-grain brands can give vitamins and minerals such as niacin, thiamine, folate, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. Additionally, whole-grain foods are also high in antioxidants, which improve your health in various ways. If you pick orzo prepared from refined grains, you may enhance the product, and nutrients (such as B vitamins) are reintroduced into enriched grains after being ...
9 Tips for Building a Healthier Lunch

9 Tips for Building a Healthier Lunch

Healthy Food
If your lunch has been feeling a little lackluster lately, you do not need to resign yourself to sad desk salads for the rest of your working days. With a little bit of advance planning and creativity, you can transform your lunch from bland to amazing. Here are our nine top tips to help you make a healthy and delicious lunch every day of the week: Prioritize lean proteins. Protein is the essential foundation of a healthy lunch. Try to limit your red meat consumption, which can raise the risk of certain health conditions like diabetes, and instead prioritize other proteins such as chicken, turkey, tofu, tempeh and beans. (Fish is always a healthy option, too. Just beware of being that person who microwaves fish in the office.) Also, watch for processed meats, such as deli meats, which ca...
5 Ways CBD Can Help You Relax After A Busy Day

5 Ways CBD Can Help You Relax After A Busy Day

Healthy Food
Those who don't get enough sleep at night will know the immense difference rest makes in our productivity and mood throughout the day. Anxiety, stress, fatigue, and depression are all-natural consequences of poor quality sleep due to the lack of time needed for our body to recharge itself. For many people, CBD has been immensely helpful in promoting natural restfulness when taken before sleep at night. There are specific ways in which it may also encourage relaxation during the day. Click here to read delta 10 edibles review for more information on how CBD could help you relax. Here are five ways CBD may help you relax after a busy day. May Help in Managing Anxiety Most people suffering from anxiety shy away from medication for various reasons. One of them is the side effects t...
Top 9 Quick & Easy Life Hacks To Improve Your Health

Top 9 Quick & Easy Life Hacks To Improve Your Health

Healthy Food
As a busy person in the modern world, it can sometimes be incredibly difficult to even find fifteen minutes of quality alone time, either to use productively by organizing your closet or computer files or else indulge in a much-needed and well-deserved piping hot bubble bath. So too, then, it is sometimes hard to make time to dedicate to maintaining and improving both your emotional and physical levels of health and wellbeing.  With this in mind, here, for your information and reading pleasure, are the top nine quick and easy life hacks to improve your health. 1. Drink More Water! You will no doubt have heard this piece of advice time and time again and from every possible source: magazines, television, close friends, family members, and medical professionals. However, this...
Causes of Fructose Malabsorption & How to Deal with It

Causes of Fructose Malabsorption & How to Deal with It

Healthy Food
Fructose intolerance is a controversial topic that elicits debate among many physicians and patients alike. It affects many people globally and is characterized by myriad symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. What's more, it's a digestive disorder whereby the small intestines fail to absorb fructose allowing it to pass through to the colon. This leads to an increased concentration of fructose in the intestines leading to a watery bowel movement and many other discomforts. What causes fructose malabsorption? 1. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) This is a bacterial infestation of the distal small intestine, a part of the digestive tract system that should be bacteria-free. The bacteria access the sugars in the small intestines and ferment them. Also, th...
5 Reasons Why Your Health is Your Wealth

5 Reasons Why Your Health is Your Wealth

Healthy Food
If you’re like most people today, you probably spend sleepless nights wondering how to get rich. We all appreciate the importance of having lots of money, and it’s only human to desire to free yourself from the shackles of want. Yet, important as material wealth is, are you aware that you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t invest even more heavily in your health? A healthy body is productive, ensuring an easy generation of wealth, allowing you to enjoy the wealth you have fought so hard to acquire. So, without good health, regardless of how many material things you own, you won't enjoy them to the fullest. That means as you struggle to amass wealth, your health should be a priority, and here’s why. Top 5 Reasons Why Your Health Should Be Your First Wealth Health is...
An Overview On Nutritional Value Of Chicken Salad

An Overview On Nutritional Value Of Chicken Salad

Healthy Food
Chicken salad is a flexible dish made with chopped or shredded chicken and a binder such as mayonnaise, sour cream, yogurt, or a vinegar-based dressing. Many people love it, but because it occasionally contains higher-calorie components, you might be wondering if chicken salad is healthy. Yes, the chicken salad may be nutritious. The components utilized, the portion consumed, and the other items to produce a meal determine how healthy it is. This article looks at how chicken salad chick keto might affect your health, as well as the nutritional value of chicken salad and some tips for preparing a suggested version. Let’s have a look!  The Basic Chicken Salad The iconic creamy American-style meal that dates back to the mid-1800s may be the first thing that comes to mind when you h...
How Celebrities Influence The CBD Market

How Celebrities Influence The CBD Market

Healthy Food
Celebrities are like demi-gods among mere mortals; millions of people worship the ground they walk on. While luxury and individual accolades – and not to forget, a long career – are highlights of being a celebrity, perhaps their primary asset is the power to influence people. In recent times, celebrities have influenced politics, sports, fashion, fitness, and even the CBD market. Although CBD is becoming more popular across the globe, the influence of celebrities has taken it to another level. From Hollywood pop icons to mixed martial arts superstars, many public figures whose love for CBD products creates more buzz for the supplement. This article will discuss how celebrities influence the CBD market and reveal who the biggest CBD influencers are among your idols. Celebrities Reveal T...
Top Reasons to Eat Chocolate

Top Reasons to Eat Chocolate

Healthy Food
The cocoa bean has many hidden benefits for both the inside and the outside - here we reveal some of them. We humans love chocolate. But in addition to tasting good, research also shows that this brown delicacy also brings impressive health benefits for both inside and outside. When we say chocolate, we are of course talking about dark chocolate of good quality, with a high cocoa content from a quality chocolate factory, instead of the mass-produced chocolate bars that often contain sugar, an extremely small amount of cocoa, and a number of other ingredients. The reason why chocolate has got its reputation of being a superfood is due to the main ingredient cocoa. According to the ORAC scale - a method for measuring antioxidants in, among other things, food - cocoa contains more antio...
Anxiety Relief: 5 Foods Items that you can add to your Routine

Anxiety Relief: 5 Foods Items that you can add to your Routine

Healthy Food
Anxiety is a common problem, but its reasons, symptoms, and duration vary from person to person. Its symptoms include irritability, fear, tension, muscle tension, restlessness, excessive worry etc. If you suffer from any of these symptoms for 6 months or more, you need to take extra care of them. Anxiety issues are treated in so many ways, from therapies to medications and some food supplements. Yes, it is true that consuming some foods and dietary changes regularly may help you deal with anxiety.  Below are 5 foods and dietary supplements to help you treat your anxiety issues. 1. CBD CBD or Cannabidiol is not a food but a dietary supplement that you can consume alone or by mixing into your foods and drinks. CBD is a cannabinoid that affects the Endocannabinoid System in our ...