Tuesday, October 22

5 Reasons to Try Kratom for Anxiety

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most certainly heard about Kratom. Scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, Kratom is an evergreen tree noted for its powerful stimulant effects and opioid-like properties. 

Kratom belongs in the same family as coffee, which explains its stimulant effects. The tree grows natively in various Southeast Asian countries, including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. 

Kratom is generally prescribed for pain relief. The herb is also an efficient energy booster, thanks to its stimulant properties. Other medical conditions that you can manage using Kratom-based supplements include stress, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, to mention but a few. 

This post examines the top five reasons to try Kratom for anxiety.

Kratom Is Highly Effective Against Anxiety

Kratom contains powerful anxiolytic properties that make it effective against stress, anxiety, depression, and even mood swings. 

The herb is a renowned sedative. When consumed, it fights anxiety by producing incredible calming effects. 

Like most natural anxiolytic herbs, Kratom combats anxiety by ramping up the secretion and signaling of serotonin’s ‘happiness’ hormone. Low serotonin levels have been observed among people with anxiety and depression. 

By treating anxiety, Kratom can subsequently improve your mental focus and concentration. That’s especially beneficial for athletes, fitness freaks, or people who work physically-demanding jobs where a minor mishap could result in life-threatening accidents.

Numerous Strains to Experiment With

When it comes to Kratom for anxiety, there are multiple strains to choose from. Although each strain has its signature effects, a majority of them can help with anxiety and depression.

Here are the top Kratom strains for anxiety.

White Vein Kratom 

White vein Kratom is the most popular Kratom strain out there, and understandably so. 

This strain is noted for its energy-boosting and mood-enhancing abilities. The strain may also increase your mental clarity and relieve pain while also busting stress. 

Red Vein Kratom 

Red vein Kratom should be your go-to strain if specifically looking to relieve stress and anxiety, thanks to its ability to elevate the mood and reduce brain disorders. This strain produces a calming sensation, which may help to promote sleep and overall mental wellbeing.

The best part is that there are several places where you can get fantastic yellow vietnam powder and capsules pricing and enjoy the strain’s anti-anxiety benefits.

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein Kratom is an all-in-one strain that brings together the effects of white vein and red vein strains.

The strain is perfect if you’re trying to calm down your anxious mind without becoming overly sedated in the process.

Other standard Kratom strains for anxiety include;

  • Yellow vein Kratom
  • Maeng Da Kratom
  • Malay Kratom
  • Bali Kratom

Kratom Is Also Effective Against Certain Anxiety Causes 

Kratom doesn’t only address anxiety directly. The herb may also combat various causes and side effects of stress.

For instance, Kratom’s sedative properties may boost sleep quality by shortening your sleep onset time. Numerous studies have established a direct correlation between sleep quality and anxiety levels.

According to one study appearing in the Nature Human Behaviour journal, brain scans revealed a significant deactivation of the medial prefrontal cortex for sleep-deprived participants. The medial prefrontal cortex is the brain area known to attenuate feelings of stress and anxiety.

Kratom may also ease the pain. Kratom is mainly prescribed for pain relief. When consumed, various active alkaloids in the herb bind partially to opioid receptors in the brain. This results in pain mediation.

By soothing aching muscles and sore joints, Kratom allows your mind to focus on other essential tasks.

Kratom Presents Less Severe Side Effects 

Anxiety is conventionally managed using a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Common SSRIs include Prozac (fluoxetine), Priligy (dapoxetine), Cipramil (citalopram), and Seroxat (paroxetine).

While conventional SSRIs are somewhat effective against anxiety, these drugs are also notorious for inducing multiple adverse effects.

Common side effects of SSRIs include;

  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Irritability

Irritability deserves a special mention here, as it’s a core anxiety symptom. So, it defies logic that drugs meant to manage anxiety can end up inducing the condition.

Although Kratom also presents some side effects, those adverse effects are generally less severe than those induced by conventional SSRIs.

Multiple Ways to Consume It

Locals traditionally consumed the herb in countries where Kratom grows indigenously by chewing its leaves or drinking teas made from brewing Kratom extracts. Smoking dried extracts was also a popular way to consume Kratom. Today, Kratom products come in a range of other formulations.

Examples include;

  • Kratom edibles
  • Encapsulated Kratom products
  • Kratom-infused topical products
  • Kratom tinctures
  • Kratom-based vape juices

Each of these delivery methods allows you to enjoy Kratom’s anxiolytic properties. The methods differ slightly in terms of their effects. 

For instance, Kratom edibles take a bit longer to kick in, sometimes up to three hours. But the effects of these products may last in your body for up to 72 hours. 

Smokable and vapable Kratom products enter the system much sooner. The same is true for Kratom tinctures. On the flip side, the effects of these methods wear off much faster, usually in 1 – 3 hours.

Wrap Up

Kratom is most effective against anxiety if consumed in moderation. If you’re new to this herb, begin low, then build momentum slowly. 

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