Saturday, July 27

Author: foodtrotter

A Guide to Food Poisoning

A Guide to Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is most often caused by toxins formed by bacteria in poor food. In order not to be affected by food poisoning, it is important to think of three things: firstly, preventing food from being contaminated, and partly avoiding the bacteria already present in the food, and partly killing harmful microorganisms. How to reduce the risk of food poisoning Of course, it is important to always wash your hands before eating or dealing with food and when you have been to the toilet, but also after you have handled raw meat. Bacteria thrive in heat and moisture. Therefore, make sure to quickly cool the food, preferably in a cold water bath, and put it in the refrigerator. Do not leave large pots on the stove and cool. When you need to heat food, do it properly. If you heat it up t...
Why Spicy Food is Good for You (Spices & Health Benefits)

Why Spicy Food is Good for You (Spices & Health Benefits)

Many people who try to eat healthier reduce sugar and fat in the diet. But one detail many miss or neglect is that you can replace the sweet and greasy ingredients with strong spices. You'd be surprised at how good spices are for your health - both directly and indirectly. In this article, we will share the many reasons why spices are good for your health because we believe this is a topic that is not discussed enough in the world of food and health. Spices should not be underestimated. To start with, spices are not only generally good directly, but also for the sake of taste. When you use spices, you get a completely different relationship to dishes that taste something specific and distinct. The fact is also that spicy foods have some positive effects Much of the food that...
How to find Good Restaurants Abroad

How to find Good Restaurants Abroad

Holidays - Depending on where you choose to visit, the first thing you can think of is food! If you are vacationing, eating is often a big part of your vacation and holiday experience. Regardless of the city, each country has almost its unique cuisine and is the first thing many people think of when they visit the country. How to find good restaurants abroad? It is easier than ever to find restaurants to visit abroad. Previously, the word-of-mouth rule applied. A restaurant's reputation was almost everything. Was the restaurant famous? Yes, whether it was the best and the best food, this one would be visited and this is where you would eat if you visited the country. Today this is not the case. Today, every person is a reviewer. If a restaurant really produces good food, it wil...
Guide to Food as Culture Heritage

Guide to Food as Culture Heritage

Food cultures
Food and meals are an important part of our cultural heritage. Even though we are far from pre-industrial storage today, there is much knowledge and inspiration to be gained from food traditions of old times. Food is not only vital to us, but it also tells us so much about our way of life, about nature and culture. In fact, food tends to play an important role in cultures. Some more than others. Even if we leave the country or culture in which we grew up, the food traditions will follow. This is also what has contributed to spreading food cultures, dishes, and traditions across the world. Many countries have been open to the food of other cultures more than others, which means that many cultures have been influenced by other food cultures. Before industrialism, it was very muc...
How to Find Good Restaurants During Vacations

How to Find Good Restaurants During Vacations

Food cultures, Foods
Finding good and interesting restaurants on your vacation and holiday is an important part of the holiday for many. But how do you avoid the tourist traps and find really good restaurants on the trip? In your home town, you have probably tried many of the restaurants that are available. You know which are good, which are terrible, and which restaurants are the best option depending on what you want to eat. But when you go abroad, perhaps on a vacation or business trip, to a completely new city, how do you know which restaurants are good and which you should absolutely stay away from? The difference between good and bad restaurants is huge. At worst, you may get ill due to improperly handled food such as cross-contamination and dirty kitchens, and at best you will have the best...
Guide to Seasoning Food

Guide to Seasoning Food

Cooking tips
Seasoning food with spiced and herbs is an art. With hundreds of spices to choose from, the art of seasoning and using them in food is rather complex. At least if you want it to taste good. Most people stick to the few spices they know. This may include, for example, pepper, curry, ginger, Basil, to mention a few. But if that is you, you are missing out on amazing opportunities. Spices can completely change a dish and take it from mediocre to something absolutely extraordinary. But in the same way that spices can boost a dish, they can also completely destroy it if used incorrectly. To take advantage of the great benefits that spices have, you need to first learn what spices are available, and then which spices match with what dishes and tastes. Furthermore, you also need to lear...
How to Prevent Stomach Flu on Holiday

How to Prevent Stomach Flu on Holiday

Avoid stomach ailments! - take care of your stomach during the holidays. Every year, millions of people travel abroad to take part in and experience other cultures. However, many may also take part in something completely different and less desirable, the bacterial culture in other countries. Ever heard of the terms "Dehli Belly" or "Montezuma's revenge"? Having any of these during vacation requires a toilet not too many meters away. When we travel abroad, our stomachs can sometimes get a huge shock. Firstly, be sure to prepare your stomach for a different bacterial flora than the one you are used to before the trip. Probiotics normalize the intestinal flora and can help prevent the onset of tourist diarrhea and treat acute symptoms. It may also be good to take Dukoral, which ...
How to Use Fresh Herbs in Food (Herb Guide)

How to Use Fresh Herbs in Food (Herb Guide)

Cooking tips
When it comes to herbs, you should grow what you like. But fresh herbs and spices are also available to buy to a large extent in most grocery stores. Both pre-cut and growing fresh spices in pots. If you watch cooking shows on TV and listen to expert chefs, you will notice that they use, to a large extent, fresh spices and herbs in their cooking instead of dried. Fresh herbs and spices are rich in flavor and are great to use in cooking, but it is important to know how to use them properly in order to get the most out of them and to make the food taste delicious In this article, we will go through some common herbs to grow at home, as well as what you need to know when using them in cooking. When it comes to fresh herbs, what is important about these is that they should be adde...
Noodle Salad Recipe

Noodle Salad Recipe

Food Asia, Recipes
A tasty noodle salad with typical Asian cuisine is suitable all year round and can be served warm or lukewarm. Ingredients for the noodle salad 500 g of noodles (eg, the frame or egg noodles) 1 dl olive oil about 500 g of chicken fillet (thighs or breasts) 3 garlic cloves 3 teaspoons sesame seeds the juice from 3 lime 4 tbsp soy 1 tsp wasabi 3 tablespoons rice vinegar (or other mild vinegar) 8 green onions 2 tsp sambal oelek fresh coriander for serving How to prepare Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a frying pan. Bake the chicken fillets for 5-10 minutes on each side, without taking too much color. Set aside when cooked through (meat juices should be transparent). Start timer Peel and finely chop the garlic. Roast it with sesame seeds ...